Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Tamara!!

This is Josh and i just wanted to wish my beautiful wife a very Happy Birthday!!! I love you very much Tamara and just want you to know how much i love and appreciate you. You are truly an amazing person and i don't know what i would do without you, you truly bring so much happiness to our life. I love you and wish you a wonderful Day!!!
Love Ya!!!


tammy walker said...

Thanks Baby. You're sweet. I love you too! Call me!

Jaycee & Baylee Carroll said...

Happy Birthday Tammy! From me and Jaycee, No baby yet but life here in Italy is good- sounds like you had a little bit of a "crapy day"!ha ha hopfully it got better. Tell Josh hi for us to and were glad to hear your doing so well. Ciao!

Dakota 08