Wednesday, October 15, 2008

one heck of a night

Well, Josh is on graveyards this week, so we basically all run amuck until bedtime arrives....which on these weeks varies from night to night.
Yes, brother and sister are having a bonding moment.  This picture was taken right before I pulled a handful of lifesaver gummies out of Izzy's mouth.

What's wrong with this picture and all of it's nakedness?  ***I'm shaking my head (complete with eyerolling) as I'm typing this***   Well, this picture was the product of the next pictures.  Can you tell that Dakota knows that he has done something wrong?

WELL, he decided that he needed to go to the potty.  Mind you, we haven't started the official potty training daze yet.... so every once in a while when he is excited about it, I'll help him to the potty... and sometimes he even goes.  So as I'm spoon feeding the baby... I turn around to find this.
OK, so I go to check the bathroom.  Hoping that the bathroom (toilet for specifics sake) was his destination.  Well, no worry.  It was.  I still don't know if he actually went potty because when I got to the bathroom, he had unrolled nearly 2 rolls of toilet paper and fit them in the toilet bowl. (If you're wondering, yes, he did put his own toilet seat on backwards).
So, now that he's asleep... and I still haven't mustered up the ambition to do something with all of the nasty toilet paper... the thought crosses my lazy mind.   ***I wonder if I just leave it in there long enough, if it will become so soft and mushy that it will flush down the toilet.   heh heh.  I guess we'll have to find out.

And the stinker... I got one of those chewy things that you can put food in for babies... so they won't choke... and it magically disappeared after I gave it to Izzy tonight.   Tah Dah!!!  In his hand!


Shelby Asay said...

lol tam you are so stinkin funny. He is such a stinker! You have all the good ideas im glad you can try them out, so when i get there you can tell me how to fix my problems.

Dakota 08