Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SNOW--but just a little bit.

I may have forgot to mention that we moved into a house.  Or in other words... WOO HOO!  The house is less than a mile away from our apartment, but it is nearly 4 times as big.  We're still only living in about half of the house.... it's called space shock, I think.  We're loving it!  Dakota is super happy that he now has a yard to play in.... I am equally as happy that he can now ride his 4-wheeler outside.  What a kid!  I'll post more pictures of the house soon.  


Shelby Asay said...

oh my goodness I love that little boy!! I can't wait to return home to see you! I miss ya SO much! I love and can't wait to see you! MMMWWWAA!

Dakota 08